Ann Johnson
The Dolly Momma
Still playing with dolls
As a kid, I loved dolls. All kinds. I drew my own paper dolls and designed their clothes. The best days were spent watching my Nanna craft exquisite clothes for my dollies ... my first baby dolls and then the ever so detailed Barbie Doll couture of the '60's. She created pill-box hats, ala Jackie Kennedy, Chanel inspirted suits, a classic tux for Ken right down to the pearl buttons on his shirt and burgundy satin cumberbund. Little inspired touches of whimsy and style mostly from repurposed old clothes. I still have them and cherish them. Each one a memory of coming home from school to a new, amazing piece of art.
I am channelling my inner Nanna and enjoying time spent crafting these doll clothes and dolls just as "Edna" did. I'd like to think she's having a chuckle right now as I mutter under my breath looking for the "right" finish and embellishment.
So, dear friend, this is not a "make 'em by the dozens" endeavor. I'm still just looking for an excuse to play with dolls.
Cheers! Ann

Nanna's creations circa 1962

This outfit took a blue ribbon at the Hamilton County (TN) Fair in 2014. The Dolly Momma's first time entering a fair!

A nod to the 50s, we are on our way home after winning 2nd place.

The international girls took home the blue! These folk art dolls are crafted from natural corn husks, some hand-dyed.
A win in Connecticut! Delighted to take home the blue at the Harwinton Fair.